MQMaster.com (「本網站」)是由Global Data Management Company Limited ('GDMCL')所持有且運營。
本條款及細則中凡是提及「Global」、「我們」、「我們的」 等,泛指「GDMCL」
瀏覽與使用本網站時必須遵守這些條款及細則和我們的私隱政策。當您瀏覽或使用本網站即表示您同意遵守這些條款及細則以及我們的私隱政策。 如果您未能遵守本條款及細則 , 您瀏覽與使用本網站的權利可能會被立即終止而不獲另行通知。
當您成功註冊成為我們的會員 , 我們將以短訊形式發送6位數字的驗證碼到您登記的手提電話號碼。在您成功輸入該驗證碼到本網站中指定的欄位後,您的帳戶將會被啟動。
本條款及細則可能會在不通知您的情況下不時修改,而有關條款及細則的修訂將會公佈並顯示在我們的網站。 當您瀏覽本網站或使用本網站提供的任何服務時,您將被視為已經接受了最新版本的條款及細則。這些條款及細則可能會隨時修改,我們將會稱之為「條款及細則」。
在您成功註冊成為我們的會員並同意接受本條款及細則後 , 您可免費使用我們在本網站上尊為會員而設的最新服務。
我們亦會為您分析目前的負債情況。只要您提供並輸入您目前的負債資料 ( 包括但不限於債務性質、貸款結欠、利率、餘下還款期數和還款金額)給我們的「分析系統」,我們將會預計清還債項的所需時間並充分利您的財務資源以建議合理的解決方案。
1) 搜尋引擎
2) 我們業務合作夥伴提供的獨家優惠
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- 本網站上顯示的圖片、徽標、商標或服務標章受適用的智慧財產權法保護。
我們旨在向我們所有的客戶/會員提供高水準服務,但若您想投訴我們的任何服務,您可以致電2584 7188 或寫信至:
Terms and Conditions
MQMaster.com ('this Website') is owned and managed by Global Data Management Company Limited ('GDMCL').
In these terms and conditions stated herein, whenever we use "Global", "we" or "us", we refer to GDMCL.
The access to and use of this Website is subject to these terms and conditions and our Privacy Policy. By accessing or using this Website, you agree to comply with these terms and conditions as well as our Privacy Policy. You are only entitled to access such of our services or facilities which will be listed in this Website from time to time to be available only to our members, strictly on condition that you successfully enroll as our member and agree to and accept these terms and conditions and acknowledge our Privacy Policy. Should you fail to comply with any of these terms and conditions, your right to access and use of this Website may be terminated immediately without any or further notice.
Upon your successful enrollment as our member, we shall send you a code consisting of 6-digit number to the number of your mobile phone registered with us by SMS. Your account will be activated once you input the code into the designated field or box in our Website. Guidance note for the use of our services will be displayed in this Website.
These terms and conditions may be amended from time to time without any prior consent from or notice to you provided that any amendments of these terms and conditions will be announced and displayed on our Website. You shall be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions as may from time to time amended when you access to this Website or use any of the services provided in this Website after the amendments. These terms and conditions as may from time to time be amended by us will hereafter be referred to as “the Terms and Conditions”.
You are strongly advised to read the Terms and Conditions as appear in this Website whenever you visit this Website and use any of our services.
Our Services
Upon successful enrollment as our member and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions, you are entitled to free access to our services or facilities as listed in this Website from time to time to be available only to our members.
Debt Analysis
We also provide you with analysis on your current debt profile if you will provide and enter your current debt information including but not limited to debt nature, loan outstanding balance, interest rate, remaining payment tenor and repayment amount to our “analysis system”. We will then calculate the estimated time you need to settle all your debts and suggest to you a sensible solution as to how to fully utilize your financial resources to repay your debt.
The following advanced services will be provided upon your enrollment as our member:-
1. Advanced Search Engine
We developed a customized search engine that can search suitable products and services from our business partners according to the personal profile, requirements and instructions of members.
2. Exclusive Offer from our Business Partners
Members are entitled to exclusive offers from our Business Partners for providing credit products or services through this Website, such offers include interest rate discount, incentive gift coupons, quick approval services, etc. Please note that we do not represent any financial institutions to provide credit products or services nor to be an intermediary for loan referrals.
Please take note that nothing displayed on this Website ought to be relied upon as a financial advice or a recommendation of any of the credit products or services. Information on this Website may help you choose the credit product or service that will best suit your needs. We stress that you are strongly recommended to seek independent and professional advice as well as to ensure the suitability of the credit product or service that is to your best interest, if necessary.
We would also draw your special attention that nothing on this Website shall be deemed to represent our recommendation or proposal to you any credit product or service or to enter into any contract between you and the Business Partner in respect to any credit product or service. By giving us your personal information, you agree that we shall provide you with the listed services as provided in our Website. It is also your sole discretion to enter into any of such contract with our Business Partners at its own terms and conditions.
It is our prime objective to provide you with uninterrupted access to our Website. However, we cannot assure you of uninterrupted availability of this Website, which may be caused mainly by technical problem or issues beyond our control. We also reserve our right to suspend or terminate your access to the Website at any time in the future if we consider appropriate.
In respect of the content of this Website, please take note that we may amend or modify any data, content or information as displayed on this Website from time to time.
Earning of Fees
We may receive advertising fee income from our Business Partners. However, any of the fees to be received from our Business Partners will not affect the quality offer that shall be made by our Business Partners to you. In other words, the Business Partner will not charge you additional fee in approving the credit product or service to you.
Our Role in this Website
Any information as shown on this Website and all materials relating to credit products and services offered by our Business Partners are not representative of, and thus must not be treated as the complete description of the particular and individual terms and conditions nor the precise cover provided of that product or service. It is your sole discretion to consider and accept the terms and conditions of the credit products or services as offered by our Business Partners.
Please be reminded that submission of your information on this Website shall never in any way be considered as acceptance of any offer of any credit product or service provided by our Business Partners. Nothing on this Website shall be treated as an invitation to do any of these actions.
You must read and accept all applicable terms and conditions before entering into any contract or agreement as between you and our Business Partners.
Permitted Use of this Website
You are solely permissible to access and use this Website for personal functions, which means this Website shall only be accessed and used by you personally. Any other kind of access to and use of this Website beyond those are mentioned in this paragraph is strictly prohibited.
Specifically you are NOT permitted to use this Website under any of the following situation :-
- It is unlawful, fraudulent or the use of any of the services in this Website is for commercial purposes;
- To hurt, abuse, embarrass, defame, libel, threaten, intimidate or harass another person or business, or in a manner that, in our sole and absolute discretion, invades another person's privacy or is obscene, offensive, hateful, indecent, inappropriate, objectionable, unacceptable, discriminatory or damaging;
- To produce, check, confirm, update, modify or amend your own or another person's databases, records or directories;
- To alter or reverse engineer any part of this Website for any kind of commercial gain or for profit; and/or
- In a way that, in our sole and absolute discretion, interferes with, disrupts or imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large burden on our communications and technical
Intellectual Property Rights
All intellectual property rights, ownership and good wills of the information or information displayed on this Website belongs to Global Data Management Company Limited or its licensor. You can print, copy, transfer or store extracts of information or material displayed on this Website for your own personal use (but not otherwise) if you abide by the following conditions:
It cannot be used for any business or commercial functions without our written Such right cannot be sold out or transferred to any third party either for profit or not;
You should not modify or change any of such information or material on this Website. It shall not be excerpted, reproduced, published, used or displayed on another website without our written consent;
All intellectual property rights such as patents, logos, domain names, data, supply codes, and software (in all cases whether or not registered or unregistered) in and about this Website are owned by us or our licensors, and such rights are always
Images, logos, trademarks or service marks as displayed on this Website are protected by the applicable intellectual property
We stress that none of the content, material or information displayed on this Website can be used, copied, published, excerpted or distributed by you without our written consent.
Exclusions of Liability
We always tried our best endeavor to ensure that the information displayed on our Website is correct. However, we shall not be accountable if the information or material including but not limited to that from our Business Partners, as displayed on the Website is inaccurate, or if there are any errors or omissions within such information and material as posted on our Website. We will not be held liable for the error of any material or information on the Website, whether they are provided by our Business Partners or any third parties. You agree that we are not in any way provide any warranty or represent that the Website or any information on this Website is free from viruses.
We stress that we shall hold no responsibility for direct or indirect losses or damages arising from an inability to access the Website and from the use of the Website that is beyond our control. We are not accountable or to be blamed for any indirect losses or damages suffered or incurred by you or those which were not predictable as a result of your access and or use of this Website.
Any offers to be made by our Business Partners will be entirely between you and our Business Partners. Therefore, you are solely responsible for your choice of the credit product or service as provided by our Business Partners. We are not accountable or to be blamed for any loss or harm you will suffer or incur as a result of your entering into a contract with our Business Partners for your credit products or services offered by them.
It is your sole discretion and choice to use or accept any credit products or services from our Business Partners, and accordingly you will be bound by the terms and conditions and privacy policy from that Business Partner. You are reminded to go through the terms and conditions and privacy policy of the relevant Business Partner websites before using that website. We shall not be responsible or to be blamed for any loss or harm you may suffer or incur due to your entering into contract at the terms and conditions of our Business Partners.
Complaint Procedure
We aim to provide all our customers / members with a high level of service and satisfaction but if you wish to complain about any of our services, you may contact us on 2584 7188 or write to:
Global Data Management Company Limited
Unit 2302, 23/F,
Paul Y Centre, 51 Hung To Road,
Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
For the purposes of handling complaints, our working hours ranged from 9am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday, excluding Saturday and Public Holidays.
Please note that we cannot answer complaints on behalf of our Business Partners if your complaints related to any credit product or service provided by our Business Partners. We recommend that you visit the respective Website of our Business Partners if you wish to make a complaint against them.
Right to Request Access for Personal Data Held by us
You shall be entitled at any time to request access to the Personal Data held by us and update or correct any such Personal Data. For details, please see the contact information as listed on our Website.
Your Responsibilities
In connection with the use of this Website, you agree that you will take all reasonable steps to safeguard and ensure the confidentiality of your username and password in accessing to the use of this Website at all times. You shall not share or allow other person to use your password on your behalf.
You are not allowed to let other person to operate the Website on your behalf. You also agree that the use of the username and password for accessing to the Website is adequate identification of yourself.
You agree to be held wholly responsible for any harm, loss, claim, demand, liability or expense that we may suffer directly or indirectly as a result of your breach of contract or warranty, willful act or omission, misrepresentation, negligence in relation to, or in association with, your access and/or use on this Website.
Right of Assignment
We may assign or transfer any of our right and interest or obligations under this Website to any party without prior notice to you.
This Terms and Conditions was last updated on 30 Nov 2018